Enrich your home with the natural beauty of timber or opt for a modern and fresh painted look with the Linear range.
Allow the natural beauty of timber to enrich your home or opt for a modern and fresh painted look with the Linear range of doors. Inspired by contemporary European trends, these striking designs will add a unique style to any home.
IComplement your entire home with the matching internal range
ISolid core construction engineered for strength & stability
Bushfire Attack Level
Low risk: BAL12.5
Door Construction
Solid Core
Door Profile
Mirror Bead
Hinge Setup
3 Hinge Setup
Sound Rating
Rw: 30 / STC: 29
Product Brochure
Hume Catelogue November 2022
(PDF, 4.3 MB)
Glass Options May 2022
(PDF, 795 KB)
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Beauty is inherent in an optimised design
The styling and visual language of our entrance doors is inspired by design trends, innovations and advancements within the building sector. The Hume entrance range has been created with an optimised visual design that is clean, strong and beautiful to look at.
Allow the natural beauty of timber to enrich your home or opt for a modern and fresh painted look with the Linear range of doors. Inspired by contemporary European trends, these striking designs will add a unique style to any home.